We still offer support for our Traditional EPOS Software (v19_18 to v19_22), which is only compatible with Windows XP. We no longer issue EPOS software on CD/DVD but can provide you with a downloadable copy, please Contact our Support Team for further information.
We cannot guarantee that all elements of the EPOS Software, Receipt Printer Drivers etc. will function properly on Windows 7 or Windows 10.
Response Codes
These are required for the Traditional Version of SalesStream (v19_18 through to v19_22).
You can obtain a code by submitting your Challenge Code(s) using our Contact Page. Please ensure that you include your Challenge Code in your message which should end in ‘1000’.
Response Codes are Free of Charge if you . . .
– Have a Monthly Support Contract with us
– Are a SalesStream Cloud Customer with some terminals still running the Traditional Software
Simply contact your SalesStream Support Agent by email or telephone to obtain your code.