This screen has recently been updated to provide a much clearer view on Multiple Browsers and Tablets such as the iPad. To view the Current Stock Levels and Status of a Product:
1) Click on the ‘Products + Inventory‘ icon on the Cloud Dashboard and click ‘Product Database’ from the Sub-Menu
2) Search for the Product you wish to view the Stock Level of.
3) You will see a screen showing the Total Stock for your Group, including:
a) Base Stock – the Physical Qty Stock you have across your Group (including Reserved, Returned and Free Stock)
b) Reserved – the Qty of Stock placed on Reservation for Customers across your Group (whether with/without a Deposit)
c) Returned – the Qty of Stock currently on Return (Goods Out) to your Suppliers across your Group but not yet Reconciled (i.e. Credited (Refunded to your Business, Replaced etc.)
d) Free – the Qty of Stock which is actually free to be sold to your Customers (therefore excluding Reserved, Returned etc.)
If you wish to view a Breakdown of these Stock Levels and Statuses for each of your Stock Locations/Sites simply click the ‘+‘ icon to the right of the Stock Panel. You will then see an enhanced panel.
Again, for each Location Line:
a) Base Stock – the Physical Qty Stock you have at each Location (including Reserved, Returned and Free Stock)
b) Reserved – the Qty of Stock placed on Reservation for a Customer at each Location (whether with/without a Deposit)
c) Free Stock – the Qty of Stock which is actually free to be sold to your Customers at each Location (therefore excluding Reserved, Returned etc.)
** Note : To return the view to show just your Group Levels simply click the ‘+‘ icon again.
You can click the ‘Stock Level Wizard’ button to Adjust/Correct a Stock Level for any of the Locations