Retail Price Bands are a useful tool for managing your prices in-store or online. You can assign upto 5 different Retail Prices (always inc. of VAT).
You will see a Price Band 6 onscreen but this is used by our Data Team here at SalesStream to backup your original pricing data.
Price Band 1 (or PB1) will always be used as default, the other Bands can then be used :
a) To Manually change the Standard Retail Price (normally Band 1) to another Pre-Defined Price i.e. PB1 is £28.00, PB2 £26.00 and PB3 £24.00
b) To charge a Customer a different price
To Enter Price Bands for your Inventory, follow the steps below :
1) Click on the ‘Products + Inventory‘ icon on the Cloud Management Dashboard, you will see the Products Sub-Menu
2) You can then choose to use the ‘Product Database’ option as shown below :
or the ‘Product Datasheet’ option, as shown here :
The benefit of the ‘Product Datasheet’ screen is that you can search for multiple products and change their Price Bands, whereas the ‘Product Database’ screen shows more detailed inventory information but only for one product at a time.
3) Whichever screen you use enter the relevant Price Bands from PB1 through to PB5 and ensure to click ‘Save’ when complete.
As always a Terminal Update will be required on your EPOS for these new prices to be active.