- Click on the ‘Products + Inventory‘ icon (as shown above left) on the Cloud Management Dashboard, you will see the Products Sub-Menu
- Click the ‘Add New Product‘ button
- Enter a Base Product Description, Season and select a Brand from the Drop Down Box
- Select a Product Category from the Drop Down Box
- Select a Supplier from the Drop Down Box
- Select a Warranty from the Drop Down Box
- Click ‘Next‘ (clicking ‘Save‘ stores the Warranty, Supplier etc. for the next time you add a product).
- Now you need to enter the Product Pricing Information firstly enter the Cost Price and a Landed Cost (if relevant)
- Select the relevant VAT Rate for the Product (Standard 20%, 5%, Fuel or Exempt)
- Now enter your Retail Pricing in the text boxes – Band 1 is the standard/default Retail Price, you can add other Prices in the Band 2 – 5 boxes, for example Band 2 could be used for regular customers. The Base Price is greyed out and is used by the Data Team here at SalesStream. You can check the Margin for each Price Band by clicking the :: button next to the word ‘Margin’
- Click ‘Next‘ when complete
- Enter/Tick the Relevant Options :
– ‘Item is not discounted during sale’
– ‘Allow this item to be appended to purchase orders’
– ‘These items appear on your website’
– ‘Prompt the EPOS user to collect the customers name and address at POS’
– ‘Automatically create in-house barcodes’ - Enter the Minimum and Maximum Stock Levels for the Product
- Clicking ‘Save‘ will save your settings/defaults for next time you add a product, helping speed up the process
- Click ‘Create‘ to create the Product
- The Product will be put ‘In Suspense’ until you make them live
- Click the ‘View Suspense Products‘ button
SalesStream™ automatically assigns a ‘Reference‘, ‘PLU‘ and ‘Barcode‘ for each item (depending on Default Settings which can be setup during the process of Adding/Creating Products) – below are definitions/explanations for these - Edit any relevant Products entering the Barcode and/or Supplier CodeReference – from time to time SalesStream™ is required to hold Product Data inherited from legacy systems. The old EPOS System may have had unique codes that you wish to preserve for compatibility/analysis and these can be imported by us (or yourself) and stored in this field. This field can also be used to connect up Product Codes used in your eCommerce System.
SKU/PLU – a Product Lookup Code, sometimes also referred to as an ‘SKU‘ is a unique number generated by SalesStream™ when a new product is added. The numbers are not sequential but are guaranteed to be unique in your Product File/Database. If you have created a ‘Range’ of garments using the Size and Colour Wizard, each garment will have been created as an individual product with it’s own unique ‘PLU’, this means that the specific Size and Colour of an Item can be Stock Controlled following a Sale, Stock Adjustment etc.
Barcode – by default SalesStream™ can generate a Barcode used for in-house barcode label printing and scanning. This enables you to create Barcodes for items that do not bear their own barcode. If an Item has a Barcode printed on the packaging enter that barcode into the Barcode field (as shown above) and save the record, as an in-house label will not be required.
Please note that alongside scanning an item within the EPOS Software to look it up you can also manually enter any of the 3 codes above – ‘Ref’, ‘PLU’ or ‘Barcode’ using your keyboard and press [Enter] to add that item to a Sale.Note : SalesStream Cloud can handle any combination of SKU, Reference and Barcodes. It may be that within your company all 3 numbers are identical, or they could be 3 entirely different numbers (one an internal reference code, the second a Product/Manufacturer Barcode and the SKU another internally used code within your business)
- Click ‘Select All‘ to select all the Products in the list or Manually Tick the Products you wish to Make Live or Save
- Click ‘Save’
- Click ‘Make Live‘ to make the Products Live.
- Finally update your EPOS/Till Terminal(s) using ‘Terminal Update’ or ‘Full Refresh’
This not only allows faster searching for Items/Garments but also ensures that customer receipts fully and accurately record the items sold.