As explained in the ‘Alter Price’ Help Section as well as adding Price Bands for a Product you can set a specific Product Price for an individual Customer/Company.
1) Login to Cloud Dashboard and click the ‘Customer’ icon on the Cloud Dashboard
2) Enter a Search Phrase i.e. ‘Example’ then click ‘Search’ – this includes Customer Name, Address and Postcode
3) Click ‘Select’ to choose the relevant customer to work with
4) To assign Private Pricing click ‘Private Pricing’ on the top menu bar
5) Search for the Product you wish to Private Price for by entering a search phrase or the Product Barcode and click ‘Search’ or ‘Search BC’
6) Click the ‘Select’ button on the Product you wish to work with
7) Enter the Private Price for that Product
8) Choose whether you wish the Private Price to Expire or Not using the Drop Down Box
9) Enter the number of days for the Price to Expire (if relevant) – you can click the ‘Margin’ button to see Margin % onscreen
10) Click ‘Add’ to apply the Private Price
11) Repeat for any additional Products
12) Finally, you will need to run a ‘Terminal Update’ on the EPOS/Till