Creating a Purchase Order
1) Click the ‘Purchase Orders’ icon on the Cloud Management Dashboard
2) Select the relevant Supplier from the Drop Down Box (read about Adding/Managing Suppliers here)
3) If relevant update any supplier contact details or notes, clicking ‘Save’ when you are finished
4) Click the ‘Next’ button, located on the right of ‘New Order’. If an existing P/O is in progress you can choose to ‘Continue Order’ by clicking ‘Next’ or you can cancel an ongoing Purchase Order by clicking the ‘Cancel’ button. On click ‘Next’
5) Select which location you wish to place the Purchase Order and click the arrows ‘>>’ to proceed
This screens looks complicated, but isn’t really – it is just very feature rich with lots of useful functions to help you create an informed Purchase Order. There are a number of options/buttons on this screen to help you filter your Products so that they can be added to a Purchase Order:
The ‘Req’ or ‘Required’ column is an intelligent suggestion or recommendation of what Qty you need to order based on your Current Stock Level and Min/Max Stock Levels it can be overriden easily.
Zero Required – this button will ‘Zero’ these numbers allowing you to manually enter your requirements qtys
Min + On Order – this automatically fills in the Required Qty Column with Product Min Stock Levels (minus any qty on order)
Max + On Order – this automatically fills in the Required Qty Column with Product Max Stock Levels (plus any qty on order)
Any Suppler – this will allow you to add Products to the Purchase Order which are not tagged as being from the selected Supplier
Save Min Max – if you edit any of the Min/Max Stock Levels on this page clicking this will save these qtys for future use (saving you having to manually edit the Min/Max values in the Product Screen.
Forecast – this is a new feature which allows you to set the ‘Rqd’ qty based on Sales and more advanced criteria, you can read more about this in the Purchase Orders – Forecasting topic
Back – this will allow you to return to the Supplier selection screen
Order Items – add the current product(s) onto the Purchase Order
Goto Order – Complete your Purchase Order and Print/email to your Supplier
6) Search by product description, code, barcode etc. to locate the relevant product
7) Adjust ‘Required Qtys’ (‘Rqd’) as required for this Purchase Order (safest to set the Rqd qtys to ‘0’ and then enter the qtys for the products you wish to order.
8) You can now perform more searches adding all required items/products to your PO.
– You can review the current stock level, qty on order, Min/Max Stock Levels and view sales statistics such as Sales/Week or Sales/Month to help you to decide on order qtys. – At any point you can click ‘Reset Filters’ to allow you to perform a search for a new series of products. – If you have Min and Max Stock levels set up you can use the ‘Min + On Order’ button or ‘Max + On Order’ button to set default order qtys.
12) Click ‘Order Items’ to add items to the current Purchase Order
13) Check Qtys, Cost Prices etc. on the next screen
14) When complete click ‘Go to Order’
15) Enter any Carriage/Delivery Charges, a Reference Number and a note for the person who will receive the items
16) Here you can also check/confirm the Order Qtys, Cost Price, Supplier Product Code and apply the relevant Costing Model :
a) No Cost Average – uses cost price as entered/confirmed on this screen for just this one occasion
b) Average Cost – uses the entered cost price and upon booking in applies the average cost formula, updating the product cost price as appropriate
c) Adopt this Cost Price – applies the new cost price and updates/adopts the product cost price for any future order
17) It is important that you click the ‘Save Page‘ button to save the Cost Price and Cost Model Settings
18) Click ‘Place Order‘
19) Here you can review the Purchase Order
20) Click ‘Print‘ to View/Print the Purchase Order
You can click the Printer icon to print a Physical Copy of your Purchase Order; or click the ‘Select a Format‘ dropdown box and choose a format from XML, CSV, TIFF, PDF, Web Archive or Excel and click the ‘Export‘ button.
Viewing, Printing or Editing an Existing Purchase Order
View/Print a Purchase Order
1) Click the new ‘Print a PO’ icon on the Cloud Dashboard
Print a Purchase Order
2) Click the ‘Print’ button
3) Locate the relevant Purchase Order (you can sort by clikcing the column headers)
3) Click ‘Select’ to view the Purchase Order onscreen
4) You can then choose to Print the Purchase Order or Export by clicking the Printer Icon on the grey menu bar or the Export Icon which gives you the option of: XML, CSV (Comma Delimited), PDF, MHTML, Excel, TIFF or Word.
Managing an Existing Purchase Order
More information coming soon . . .