When collecting your Customer Names and Details on the EPOS or Cloud/Back Office SalesStream™ Cloud allows you to collect and store the ‘Customer Source’ or how the Customer heard about your business. This might be ‘Friend/Recommendation’, ‘Local Newspaper’, ‘Google’, ‘Walk-In’ etc.
Some of our users have gone as far as entering an exact reference code from perhaps a specific Magazine Edition or Leaflet Reference Number. This allows you to perform analysis on the ROI (Return On Investment) of your marketing activities, for example you could measure how many new customers signed up as a result of seeing your advert in ‘Evening Standard – February 2020′.
1) Click on the ‘Customer + Account Management’ icon on the Cloud Dashboard, then click ‘Manage Customer DBase’ on the Top Menu Bar, you will see the screen below:
2) Scroll down and you will see that you can enter a new ‘Customer Source’ i.e. “Somerset Life” and click ‘Save’
3) You can also highlight existing ‘Sources’ and click ‘Delete’ to remove any options you no longer require.
These Sources will be live on the Cloud/Back Office immediately, your EPOS will require a ‘Terminal Update’ for the updated options to appear.