Customer Details (Address, Phone, email etc.) can be Added or Edited/Updated using either the EPOS Software or by using the Customer Section of the Online/Cloud Management Pages.
Below are instructions for the latter. It is important that you enter Customer Details as accurately as possible as this will improve the accuracy and consistency of any reports a colleague or yourself run later. Therefore you should for example enter First Name in the relevant Box, Postcode in the boxed named ‘Postcode’ etc.
1) Click on the ‘Customers + Account Management’ icon on the Cloud Dashboard
2) We recommend searching/checking that a Customer isn’t already on your Database first – Enter the Name or Postcode of the customer you wish to add and click the ‘Search’ button
3) If the relevant Customer is displayed in the results click ‘Select’ next to the search result you wish to work with (this will highlight the row)
4) Click the ‘Detail’ button and update any relevant details, clicking ‘Save’ to save changes.
5) If the relevant Customer is not listed click the ‘Add New Customer‘ link on the top-menu-bar
6) Enter any details you have for the Customer, ensuring that you put the relevant details in the correct text boxes i.e. Postcode, email and Mobile (as this will affect reports and other screens you may use later)
7) Tick the box which records whether the Customer is happy to receive correspondence from you i.e. emails, texts or post.
8) Click ‘Next‘
9) You will then see the Delivery Address Screen, if this is the same as the Billing/Invoice address simply click the ‘Copy‘ button and this information will be replicated, otherwise enter the Delivery Address Details and click ‘Next‘ to save
10) If you wish to create a Credit Account for the Customer click the ‘Authorise Credit Account‘ box and enter a Credit Limit in the relevant box i.e. £1,500.00
11) If the Customer is purely a walk-in or casual Customer just omit the previous step
12) You can enter a ‘Pending Note‘ in the relevant box above ‘Please give Customer their complimentary . . . ‘. This will pop-up or be displayed on the EPOS software when that particular Customer is searched for – a very handy feature.
13) Finally click ‘Create‘, you will be offered the option to send the Customer a welcoming text (if you are subscribed to this option), if you do not wish to do so simply click ‘Hide Texting‘ and ‘Close‘.